Did I read that correctly? A meaningless life in Hollywood??? No! Seriously though, it is a touching article. I recommend that you read it. Who knew that life as a Hollywood actor doesn’t guarantee happiness? In fact, Hollywood has proven to turn talented people into drug addicts and losers who do nothing purposeful with their lives. They either end up dying young i.e. Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Britney Murphey or living irresponsibly.
As you read the article, you notice that Shia has a void (definition: emptiness) inside that he can’t seem to fill. Who doesn’t have a void in their lives at some point? And so many of us try to fill it through external things. If you’re a Shia fan, you’ve seen him smoking, drinking, and even getting arrested. I hold no judgment because it could be you or I going through the same thing. No one is perfect. Yet, the truth is that Jesus Christ is the only one who can fill the void we feel inside. In fact, I believe we were intentionally created to have a void that only He can fill. Even though for a while we try to fill it with placebos, but none will ever do or have the same impacting effect as He can.
It’s not uncommon for Hollywood actors to “find religion,” however having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is not a religion, it’s a relationship; a relationship like you and I have with our family and friends. I’m not kidding! There are actors such as Steven Baldwin who several years ago accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and he hasn’t looked back since. He’s doing great things for Christ and living full of His grace and peace. Read or listen to his testimony and be inspired.
So! This is why I’m praying for Shia LaBeouf. What Jesus did for Steven he can do for Shia. I started out in this journey to pray for Shia after watching him during interviews where I found him to be very candid and open. Listening to him, I could sense that he was missing something. His answers to questions reveals that he is a young man in search of something greater. His interview in Parade confirmed it. I've prayed since, but now, I thought perhaps there could be others who feel the same, and the more of us pray, the more of an impact there will be!
If you feel the same as I do, join me! It can be a simple prayer every morning or evening or both. Our hope: That Shia LaBeouf meets Jesus! And believe me, we’ll definitely hear about it if he does. Our mission: To pray for 365 days (1 year) without fail. I believe in the power of prayer. If one or two or more come together in prayer, anything can happen!
Let me know if you decide to join me.
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Shia on set for Transformers 3 in Chicago © Steven Bogda |